Saturday, May 26, 2007

Pink U And Ur Hand Red Hair

, against nature?

The art of bonsai is one of the most controversial, are those who love nature and see in them the greatness of the vegetable world, on the other side are the critics, the who consider bonsai as something artificial, unnatural, and even compared to trees with the Chinese girls that they leave small shoes to not grow their feet, while many are those who doubt and wonder Is not remove freedom? Do not suffer? Is not it torture?.
Let us reflect for a moment and : Why a gorse than 20 years of age reached approximately 6 meters in fertile soil and mild climate such as Buenos Aires, while another of the same age, growing in a crack in Cordoba hills does not exceed the metro? Trees, unlike animals, are adapted to the environment in which they live and why not some suffer more than others.
The wood of the same species carry in their genes more or less the same growth parameters: height, shape feature development, size of leaves, etc. But all these parameters are modified based on the growing medium, weather and many other external factors. Thanks to the adaptability that can grow trees in small pots, simply adapt the confined space of a bin.
Going a little further and if we look at trees in nature, we see that they tell us their story, stories of wind, storms, droughts, fires or quiet and calm. These stories are the lifeblood of the tree and that is what we who do bonsai, we must look at our plants.
We are not going against nature, it does work, we only the head.

"The bonsai born of the desire to take home a small part of nature, to bring home to the bosom of our peace and respect emanating from the old trees." Martin


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