Monday, April 4, 2011

Normal Insurance For Pickup Truck

WTF?? (2) - Habemus Cast ... wrong

I accept . And I will now.

I think I'm one of the few people in the blogosphere that NO have read the whole saga of Suzanne Collins. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty ( guilty! if not clear XD)

Although I had intended to end the Saga for over a year (In Flames and Sinsajo that some day they will lay hands on XD), so far I can only have a verrry good impression of The Hunger Games (which I read, devoured and enjoyed to the last page) , and as all who have read it, I was impressed with Katniss and Peeta (and what little I met Gabe) ... but my little information I do belong to Team Team Peeta Peeta Peeta Team!

And if my short, little used and sooo slow memory serves me correctly, Pan The boy is RUBIO (and veery attractive in my imagination .. . should be clarified XD) . And the bad guy Gabe (OhMyGabe) is MORENO .... Pretty clear, right?

So I do not understand how the producers choose to THESE actors as the film of the Games Hunger (information round the blogosphere, and I just re-transmitted, it has left me Anode: S) ... But of course, if they had done with a blonde Katniss: S .... not expect anything less:

Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss): N or I know how is the performance of this girl (she had never seen: S), but I hope you know how to get into the skin of a super Katniss girl like;)

Josh Hutcherson (Peeta): definitely do not see what blonde nowhere S.

Liam Hemsworth (Gabe): has been hard work to find a picture of Liam where no Miley out "psycho" Cyrus, or where it appears with shirt: S. I just hope that producers do not use Liam (and body) as they did with some Number Four ...

only hope that a dye poorly implemented or a bad wig not perceive to lose the essence of the characters.

I am disappointed with the cast, but still I'm dying to know more about the movie XD



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