Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fotosde Long Dong Silver

we go to the police?

One Saturday afternoon I received a disturbing call from a Dominican nationals abroad for help. This, he confessed at the outset that he was undocumented, had been the victim of aggression and wished to withdraw the act to the Police of Puerto Rico. The stranger had a simple question: "Do you recommend to submit the complaint?"

may find it strange that a person see this with an attorney, therefore, do not assume that the police there to assist and address the claims of victims of crime? If a person is undocumented in the country, this is not the case. There are many horror stories they hear the lawyers engaged in the practice of immigration, where the Puerto Rico Police stopped and questioned them about if they "have papers", and subsequently handed over to the Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement, where are put into deportation proceedings. In many cases, these illegal immigrants are innocent people whose only fault was being a victim of crime and report it to the police, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

This is totally illegal and unconstitutional because the state police forces have no authority based on the Law of Immigration and Citizenship to verify the immigration status of a person. This power is reserved to the appropriate federal agencies and properly trained. In addition to this undermines the confidence of these communities in the police, hindering the ministerial work of this body to investigate and prevent crime. It's time to put a stop to this practice as sinister and counterproductive.

I remember saying: "I do not recommend you go to the barracks, but if you go, bring a lawyer." Visit our

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ana Nicole Da Playboi

Complaint "immigration lawyer? Questions about family immigration

is a fact: many immigrant communities are suspicious of immigration lawyers.

than enough horror stories of how expensive it takes a certain lawyer X, the "pranks" that the lawyer has done Y, or the selfless Z is the lawyer on the case of a member of a certain community of immigrants. In large part the fault of the same lawyers that there is distrust, and mainly by the absence of something very basic in this line of work, clear communication and a degree of sympathy or empathy.

immigration laws are a maze where, with difficulty, practitioners do the impossible to know where we stand. If the laws are confusing to the lawyer, imagine how it must be for the person who is not. The immigrants used the lawyer, rather than to solve your problem, to know where you stand. Although the immigrant is not entitled to any remedy at law, will be able to rest more easily by having that knowledge. Speak clearly to the customer is one of the most important things.

The second communication problem has to do with money. For example, many immigrants suspected, rightly, something strange happens when immigration lawyer asked large sums of money "to pay the government." Several frightened, and think that the lawyer wants to take money, but there are lawyers who, for some stupid reason, they assume that the person known as "is paid to the Immigration Service." It does not take much work to explain to the person who, although the client can pay the lawyer in time, federal regulations require that payments to the Service are made in full at time of filing applications to receive an immigration benefit. This explanation can save both parties misunderstandings and bad times, and promotes transparency between lawyer and client.

The third problem arises when the lawyer loses all sense of empathy and solidarity with the immigrant. Many lawyers, either by the passage of time, or any other reason, the subject distance and lose interest in the welfare of his client. Although it is necessary to keep professional distance, it is essential to show at least a grain of sympathy with the immigrants and their struggles to stay in the country. A little solidarity in this regard can exponentially improve the communication with the customer, and therefore retained a client who is unhappy with his lawyer.

addition, the balance is made for the government in this area of \u200b\u200blaw. To fight effectively for a client in this environment, it takes great courage, and sympathy with the represented person is an almost infinite source of this value. Although at the end of the day is lost the case and the client receives the benefit requested, at least both be clear and satisfied that it was the maximum as the lawyer defended his client as he had defended himself.
