Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How To Make A Vanilla Cola

Challenge 2011

With Beleth of Book Eater we have this challenge.

consists of read (or reread) the books of the Southern Vampire saga (aka Sookie Stackhouse) by Charlaine Harris. For the avoidance of doubt, here I leave a list of titles in English and English that have been published so far:

1. Dead Until Dark / / Dead Until Dark
2. Dead hearts / / Living Dead in Dallas
3. The club of the Dead / Club Dead
4. Dead for the world / / Dead to the World
5. More dead than never / / Dead as a doornail
6. Definitely dead / / Definitely dead
7. All together dead / / All together dead
8. From dead to worse / / From Dead to Worse
9. Dead and buried / / Dead and gone
(optional) 10. Dead in the familiy
(optional) 11. Dead Reckoning (April 2011, USA)

Well, the first of the Saga is based on a instead of my room: S, I decided to sign the challenge (and esperocompletarlo xD)


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