Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tiffany Give Voice To Your Heart


* For Urban Powell.

The man walks through his neighborhood with his backpack of past frustrations.
When turning the corner recognizes a fellow-now-distant high school. Not seen in decades.
Alejandro is lying on the ground under an old truck that seems to have been manufactured during the Second World War.
"I bought it for a few pesos. "he explains." I'm repairing mobile home to be. I will go to Argentina with him. "
The man looks at his friend with an untranslatable expression. The truck is a ruin with a chassis supported by wooden logs.
The friend must have earned a skeptical eye, or that godliness it is impracticable to delirium.
- "If you do not have dreams, you're dead." He said with a justificatory sense.
Man phrase seemed a crush on the chest of its own existence.
changed the subject. They knew of mates then.
Huber Do you know anything? "asked the man
With Huber were an inseparable trio in the first year of the industry.
"He went to work in a country town in a research center. Changed his life. I had nothing here 50 years and nobody gives you a steady job. You have to work 12 hours on top of a complete remis man box situation.
Before leaving the man asks the e-mail from Huber, and Alexander the bearer of that dream closer distances has intuited as unreachable.

The man went on his way cradled in distress. These were years of being unsuccessful and more than make huge mental effort can not see the glass half full. Only drops. And evaporated.

That night she wrote to Huber.
He told his situation. A horrible life. Work a fright. Not to mention the loneliness. Huber
answered him quickly. Read your mail on the following morning.

- "Negrito, that give me joy, but Alexander's been years since anything about the classmates.
-" I'm sorry you're not on the side of the integrated model. This company rarely gives second chances to our age. I had a lucky break after years of knocking on doors.
Tonight, when I get home I tell the story of how you get here. "

The man replies: Dale, tell me. I know one good among many calamities that I hear in the day.

At dawn, when the unbearable heat has hardly slackened during the night, the man reads the letter Huber. It's a long story and it seems simple.

had had a year worse than bad. They removed a testicle when he left that broke a leg.
drew His daughter: "Dad is in his bubble" and it represented: "The anguish increasingly isolated him. Impossible to see the future. The future was the next day or week at most.
One day he received a call from a cousin who lives in the countryside, just outside of the parties of Yrigoyen and Bolivar.
"There comes the train again and will be working in each village. Until possibility of filing industries and employees"
Huber made a purse and went to see his cousin. It was for a couple of days and returned a week with another face.
That title was given to read was more promising: "The reinvention of the railway. A joint community project of social"
The train again, but each nation should develop projects that support the train and give long-term sustainability. There
out in touch with people Herrera Vegas, 150 people who had chosen not to accept anything.
project took the case to re-train their people with seriously. They set up an international design competition and won the support of UNESCO. In assemblies ruled
alternatives: either unemployed housing schemes for those arriving to live, or the installation of a state jail lives looking for places to expand its ability to lock in cells. Nor
industries that pollute the water further.
was unanimous. The winning project was the establishment of an advanced research center, who was baptized as "Alfonso Luis Herrera" in honor of a leading Mexican scientist. A second project was also approved: a pole of micro food manufacturing.

Huber got a job in research and administrative center, waiting for him assigned to a specific research project. He rose early, walked to the station and climb the Freedom Train to Herrera Vegas. Had worked 8 hours and travel almost 6 roundtrip.
When he was appointed as an employee in the project accounting NOGXA. Huber encourage you to take your family to live in Herrera Vegas. "Now the kids can play in the street" (....) "stop the bicycle or small motorcycle or whatever in the front door and no one touches anything." (....) "If it is not paradise but it looks pretty ..."

Just as the process that led him to get a stable job and go live in this small town revolutionized his life. Huber speaks wonders of the project where she works. Although he does not understand much of what makes this team of scientists, argues that the goal is noble, which will end up turning mode thinking about the relationship between mind and body.

"Negrito, do not tell anyone but these people are experimenting with a machine that can record everything that the mind of a person stores in his lifetime. (....) Absolutely everything: images , phrases themselves and loved ones. Political correctness and fixed traumatic memory. (...) Moreover, and this is the most critical: it can record the effect of emotions and past memories about the body in the here and now ... " Once

after hours talking with the director of NOGXA. Huber
unconcerned speak a language of codes and concepts. Just wondering: Hey, Javi, how you did this happen?
Thanks to Carl Kolchak, the chapter of man forced to sleep in a laboratory. That man who in his dreams materialized man moss, "Peremalfait", a mythical bogeyman that kills a child who wants to awaken to its creator.
was a child and that chapter I was impressed and left their mark in time. From there, to say wrong and soon I obstinate to make visible, to materialize in any way the memory and brain activity in humans.

Did you see, bold? What amazing things are often ...

"Congratulations, brother," replied the man. It was time you play a decent job.

(...) I will not think or one more day. Herrera'm going to visit Vegas. I will look for a job. No matter what profession. But be there and live in a town that is recreated. That gives the illusion of reinventing the lives of those who tread its soil.

There goes the man to get his ticket to travel from Merlo Gómez, the station nearest your home. The way he sees an advertisement that says: "It's time to be who we want to be"

not a bad idea, he thinks the man, it might be too late to be the one that wanted to be at age 25. But it will be worth trying to prove to himself that he is not defeated.


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