Friday, May 13, 2011

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Enrique José Varona

Master Internet Photo

Vladimir Mayakovsky
Fidel Castro and Alfredo Guevara
protagonists in "The Bogotazo
of Colombia (1948) Google Internet

Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov

and Leon Trotsky
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Colonel English Republican

Alberto Bayo with
Ernesto "Che" Guevara in Cuba 1960
Photo Archive

CUBA: Communist coup 1925-1962
The Bond of Fidel Castro to the PSP (III

By Manuel Prieres

many years have passed and scholars are still these questions: Was Fidel Castro an accident or a consequence? How were your true links with the Popular Socialist Party (PSP)?
Let's start by defining the fields. Fidel Castro is part-historical perspective "of that call intellectual generation of 27, well represented in the magazine forward. Castro-like it or not inherited the intellectual and political thought of the generation of 27, times in which they repudiated imperialism and, in turn, there was great curiosity about what was brewing in the Soviet Union. Found in this way to own Enrique José Varona, dean of Cuban intellectuals, sympathizers with the Soviet experiment; Julio Antonio Mella or challenge the bay for sharks to swim to the Soviet ship Vorovski in solidarity, or leftist students at the University of Havana passionately reading Mayakovsky's poems:
"Enough talk; the word is yours, Comrade Mauser! ".

(click-bio) That was the scenario in Cuba in the late 20's: apologetic violence, pro-Soviet and anti-imperialist. There was then no doubt that the Communists would benefit most. And indeed it happened, for those years sympathy for the Communists by writers, intellectuals and teachers was very evident. Well, in 1946 Fidel Castro, with only 19, finds the following image in the public life of the spirit of 27 will only be the chaotic remains of men lined up in different positions: some professional politicians have done while others continue to call themselves revolutionaries, but too often resorting to the language of violence to obtain their "political objectives." Fidel Castro identify these "action groups" as follows: "Revolutions frustrated produce revolutionary caricature. "

In an interview with Carlos Franqui made to Fidel Castro, it was defined at the end of the 40 in this way: " I had in me a mixture of dreams
Marti, Bolivarian , a utopian socialist and imperialist . But also, we say Castro-soon discover that nothing could get out of the 27 men. So began setting his sights on the Popular Socialist Party (PSP). There he found a device vertebrate political, aggressive and militant which could do great things. Hence the comment of his:
"From PSP I do not mind his name, I care about their men. "

Cayo Confectionery When the island was cited in much of the Left still idealistic, violent and adventurous, capable of great revolutionary enterprises, the same way, for the PSP, in that mass of people will be the man you need for the "seizure of power." Fidel Castro will be chosen. Confectionery Cayo After we see Fidel Castro more connected to the PSP, based near university community about the "Anti-Imperialist League September 30 (in memory of the fall of Rafael Trejo when Machado). And the first company will be organizing the celebration of Latin American Students Congress held in Bogota, Colombia coinciding precisely with the OAS conference in this capital.

This Fidel Castro and his group will travel first to Panama and Venezuela in the process of promotion. Back in Bogota, Castro, along with Alfredo Guevara and other communities make to meet with Jorge Eliecer Gaitan, leader of the Liberal Party, in order to invite the Congress. Gaitan was killed hours later. This would be the trigger that would produce the historically popular uprising called "The Bogotazo

(click History).

To all these Castro was seen riding a jeep, with a Mauser rifle in combat uniform and directing the insurgency in different parts of the capital. Finally the uprising is quelled and the radio talks led by Cuban Communist plot. Fidel Castro and his comrades have "missed", and thanks to the Cuban embassy in Bogota, are removed quickly from the country in a plane carrying bulls. After Bogotazo Castro in Havana will be seen regularly attending the PSP library. His book under the pillow room is the pamphlet written by Vladimir I. Ulyanov Lenin: "What to Do."
When the assault on the Moncada barracks on July 26, 1953, what a coincidence!, Were also in Santiago de Cuba PSP leaders "celebrating the birthday of Blas Roca." Fidel Castro will fail in its attempt to take military strength, and consequently is captured and sent to prison. Two years after leaving Cuba for Mexico as an exile. In Mexico its contacts with the Mexican Communist Party will be very numerous. He meets the international communist Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Col. Alberto Bayo (

biography click

) and others. (Why did Castro went into exile in Miami and chose Mexico, known continental base of international communism?). In 1959, the guerrillas took power in Cuba. Definitely the axis of victory has been the "26th of July Movement" which Fidel Castro once called "soul revolutionary orthodoxy." With the M-26-7 Castro managed to seduce and incorporate the people in their struggle against the regime of Fulgencio Batista. It had to occur before a generational split. He had to untie the M-26-7 of any inheritance with earlier times. Announced from the rooftops that the components of M-26-7 were representatives of the "Marti Centennial Generation" with no ties to the past. If not, look at who made up the National Directorate of M-26-7: Fidel Castro, René Ramos Latour, Faustino Pérez, Vilma Espin, Haydee Santamaria, David Salvador and Enzo Infante.

Anyway. The M-26-7 was a clever decoy, bait thrown to the people, and he fell. The M-26-7 never held a national congress. And in December 1961 gave up his way to the PURS: United Party of Socialist Revolution. Later, in March 1962 creábanse ORI (Integrated Revolutionary Organizations) led by communists. And in October 1965, finally announced the creation of the new PCC (Cuban Communist Party). He had chosen well the PSP in its footpaths to the seizure of power in Cuba. Fidel Castro had chosen. Fidel Castro: the man of Communism.
continued ...


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