Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Putting Lids On Buckets Food Storage


FEC dismisses complaint against Rivera

The representative David Rivera did not coordinate his campaign for Congress with a political committee, the FEC ruled

   El representante David Rivera
The representative David Rivera
Alexia Fodera / Special to The Miami Herald


The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has found "no reason to believe" that Rep. David Rivera violated campaign finance law during the elections of 2010, to coordinate a political offensive with an independent political committee.

In an April 20 letter to Rivera, the FEC says it closed the case finding no evidence that the Miami Republican and the committee in question, Voters responsibilities, coordinate an offensive against Democrat Joe García.

The investigation was prompted by a lawsuit filed last August by lawyer William Barzee, who claimed that the campaign Rivera and Response worked Voters together at the wheel of the offense through a spokeswoman for Rivera, Sarah Bascom.

Upon demand, campaign finance reports federal campaign showed that Rivera had made no payment to Bascom, Bascom signature Communications & Consulting, based in Tallahassee. But

Response Voters, which had sent leaflets criticizing Garcia had done twice Bascom Communications payments totaling $ 3.000.

The complaint also noted that David Ramba, president of Voters Response, had donated $ 2,400 to the campaign de Rivera.

Federal law prohibits funding of campaigns for candidates to coordinate their campaigns with third parties.

The committee reported to the FEC that Bascom had used to help with media and social networking research federal candidates, and handed to the federal agency a copy of the agreement. The committee said that congress did not discuss their activities with Bascom, "and does not Bascom Communications compensated for any work that [the company] could have done to the campaign of Mr. Rivera." The group told the FEC he did not know was working Bascom Rivera's campaign until the press called.

The FEC said the president of Bascom Communications and campaign manager Rivera stated in sworn affidavits that they were unaware of the wheel of Voter Response.

The FEC said the campaign Bascom Rivera paid $ 2.500 on 24 August by the concept of "media advisory."

"The evidence presented by the prosecution did not seem to prove that there was coordination," the FEC.


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