Colonel Fulgencio Batista
Blas Roca
The Big Three in Teheran
Earl Browder
In addition the book contains the statements of the Cuban Communist leaders to adhere fully to co-existential theory of Earl Browder, head of the American Communist Party, who for those years urged the "comrades" of the continent to ally the United States in the common struggle against fascism º n. USA Communist Party leader Google Internet Photo At that time Earl Browder dissolve the American Communist Party, accepting as good the mere existence of the traditional Democratic and Republican parties.
and finally came to Cuba in 1959. The "quarter time" for the Cuban Communists has arrived. Lower eastern slopes of the victorious guerrilla commander during his years of being a troublemaker bonchista stated: "The PSP is not me matter his name, I care about their men. " continue ...
Photo Internet
The Big Three in Teheran
Earl Browder
Google Internet Photo
CUBA: Communist coup 1925-1962 SECOND OF A SERIES OF FOUR
By Manuel Prieres
"A Light in Tehran." Please do not think a film starring Humphrey Bogart film. No. It's the title of a book published by the Cuban Communist Party in February 1944, the publisher of the Paseo de Carlos III No. 609, Havana.
In addition the book contains the statements of the Cuban Communist leaders to adhere fully to co-existential theory of Earl Browder, head of the American Communist Party, who for those years urged the "comrades" of the continent to ally the United States in the common struggle against fascism º n. USA Communist Party leader Google Internet Photo
Cuban Communists would not arrive until the end to dissolve his party, but would agree to please the American comrade, to change its name to the Popular Socialist Party (PSP), a name that would remain until 9 March 1962 when their integration into the ORI (Revolutionary Organizations Integrated) led by the Communist Aníbal Escalante.
All this revisionist movement will obey the implementation of the Tehran Conference between Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt, completed in 1943. Historical alliance between communist and democratic Japan against a common enemy, Nazi-fascist.
On his return to America, Roosevelt, as a "good neighbor" will suggest to the continent's governments to accept as well the "Spirit of Tehran." The Cuban government boasting of its traditional spirit of solidarity with the United States, accepted except for some disagreements. Cuban Communists also manifest in the person of Blas Roca: "We have never been anti-US, only anti-imperialists." But All this revisionist movement will obey the implementation of the Tehran Conference between Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt, completed in 1943. Historical alliance between communist and democratic Japan against a common enemy, Nazi-fascist.
. When he founded the Communist Party (PC) in Cuba? Exactly in 1925. A little later, if desired, but is liable for the Comintern and was displayed the enormous influence of Stalin in the Communist International. The Comintern would be dissolved by Stalin on May 22, 1943. The former communist leaders in Cuba: Grobart Fabri, Julio Antonio Mella, José Miguel Pérez, José Piña Vilaboa, Joaquín Valdés, Jorge Vivo, Cesar Vilar, Blas Roca.
Communist Party was born in Cuba with the fundamental purpose of "making of power. "And born in the very emergence of the government of Gerardo Machado. immediately rush to the load on the worker-student intellectual field. First class with its traditional style, but when it goes to the Machado dictatorship, then raise the confrontation. However, it is history that ultimately converge on the famous pact with Machado to terminate workers' strikes led by the GNOC. They had filled and the record of representing the interests of class.
Communist Party was born in Cuba with the fundamental purpose of "making of power. "And born in the very emergence of the government of Gerardo Machado. immediately rush to the load on the worker-student intellectual field. First class with its traditional style, but when it goes to the Machado dictatorship, then raise the confrontation. However, it is history that ultimately converge on the famous pact with Machado to terminate workers' strikes led by the GNOC. They had filled and the record of representing the interests of class.
Falls Machado. The country is dam bursts and popular excesses. The September 4, 1933 led by a noncommissioned sergeants Pablo Rodriguez and Fulgencio Batista produce what is known historically as the "Revolution of 33". And although initially the rebellion will have a military aspect, it is immediately incorporated into civilian forces led by the University Student Directorate and some opposition political figures. The Communists, meanwhile, aprevecharán the occasion to exhort the proletariat to form Soviets throughout Cuba.
With the Soviet communists pose to the newly inaugurated government of Grau-Guiteras a challenge. This is because while the government called the "Hundred Days" engages in a series of programs of social demands, the Communists, meanwhile, constitute Soviets in the East, Camagüey and Las Villas; reaching the most important of them-the Mabay-up to create a sort of mini proletarian state responsible for the organization, administration and distribution of sugar production in the mill. To have militias! Leader of the Communist Party of Cuba. Photo
google Internet Time passes and is seen in Cuba constitutional legality. At the White House is hosting Mr. Roosevelt, in Cuba, President Batista is, in the Cuban CP, Blas Roca liderea their destinations, and the world the specter of war is gloating. The Cuban Communist Party would be legalized in September 1938. And to complete your file will now be collaborative. Blas Roca said about it: "Politics "good neighbor" is in the interest of the masses of all countries in North and South ".
Grau and Prio google Internet Time passes and is seen in Cuba constitutional legality. At the White House is hosting Mr. Roosevelt, in Cuba, President Batista is, in the Cuban CP, Blas Roca liderea their destinations, and the world the specter of war is gloating. The Cuban Communist Party would be legalized in September 1938. And to complete your file will now be collaborative. Blas Roca said about it: "Politics "good neighbor" is in the interest of the masses of all countries in North and South ".
When they reach the presidency in the respective periods, the Communists once again fill the record , this time as loyal Democrats. In the early years of the communist Grau maintain their presence and influence in the union movement, but in recent years of the forties are losing ground .... It is logical, in the House White is now Mr. Truman. Times are "cold war" between East and West. And the pressure is anti more diligent in Cuba. We must retreat.
That way you get the second period of Batista. Rómpese constitutional legality, and emerge as a result the "frontismo." PSP Communists are divided: some, the "proteheranistas (Marinello, Rodríguez-Roca-Escalante) remain traitors, others the" antiteheranistas "(Cesar Vilar) will be the opposition to Batista. His strategy is clear: to be in all areas.
That way you get the second period of Batista. Rómpese constitutional legality, and emerge as a result the "frontismo." PSP Communists are divided: some, the "proteheranistas (Marinello, Rodríguez-Roca-Escalante) remain traitors, others the" antiteheranistas "(Cesar Vilar) will be the opposition to Batista. His strategy is clear: to be in all areas.
and finally came to Cuba in 1959. The "quarter time" for the Cuban Communists has arrived. Lower eastern slopes of the victorious guerrilla commander during his years of being a troublemaker bonchista stated: "The PSP is not me matter his name, I care about their men. " continue ...
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